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Paul Ippolito Berkeley Memorial


Phone (908) 277-6446
Fax (908) 273-1017 - Fax
Address 646 Springfield Ave,
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 United States


Paul Ippolito Berkeley Memorial is leading the industry with personalized, quality funeral and cremation services for people of all faiths, backgrounds, religions, relationships, and lifestyles. These services are focused on the unique needs of each family, with the goal to customize the tribute in a way to show respect and honor for a loved one. As a family-owned funeral home, the team has five generations of experience and has been supporting the community since 1917.

The Licensed Funeral Directors are part of the New Jersey State Funeral Directors Association (NJSFDA). A complete range of funeral services is offered, such as memorials and funerals, direct cremations, memorials and cremations, vaults, caskets, life celebrations, burials, honoring life, grief resources, military honors, Veteran services, and more. The experienced staff is always on call to help with short-notice funeral planning. Additionally, options are available for families who want to be proactive with preplanning.

Paul Ippolito Berkeley Memorial strives to build personal relationships with every family served. A virtual tribute wall is available where friends and family can always return to reconnect with messages of love and support and revisit connections and memories. The team maintains long-standing relationships with local organizations, churches, and communities. Personalized, unique funeral services include tribute videos, dove releases, horse-drawn carriages, and personalized printing.

These services are available for residents in all of the surrounding cities: Summit, Millburn, Chatham, Caldwell, North Caldwell, West Caldwell, New Providence, Essex Fells, Warren, Short Hills, Madison, Union, Springfield, Berkeley Heights, East Hanover, Roseland, Livingston, and more. Not only does this funeral home offer large and small meeting rooms, but the company has two other locations available. The team is also available to support off-site events at churches and other meeting areas.

The Paul Ippolito Berkeley Memorial location was established in 1957. These facilities have been meticulously maintained over the years, ensuring the best support and a comfortable environment for families. Visit the funeral home to view the meeting rooms that are available: 646 Springfield Ave Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922. Call any time to schedule an appointment with a licensed funeral director to learn more: (908) 277-6446.

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