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Funeraria La Esperanza


Phone (773) 632-9648
Fax (224) 672-6688 - Fax
Address 2424 Washington St.,
Waukegan, IL 60085 United States


Miranda Funeral Services as a trailblazer in Lake County is proud to be able to provide funeral services to the Spanish speaking community. “We entered into funeral service because we felt a calling to it. But, once in it, were shocked to find that in Lake County which has a substantial Hispanic community had no sufficient Spanish speaking funeral directors to meet the demand. We are humbled by the opportunity.”
Miranda Funeral Services mission is to facilitate meaningful ways for families to grieve their loss and celebrate the memories of their loved ones. We will do this by providing information, options, and guidance with the highest level of competence, courtesy and compassion. We will provide respectful and affordable funeral, cremation and memorialization services in a comfortable environment always provide more than what is expected of us.
We are available 24 hours a day 365 days a year. In everything we do, we strive to meet and exceed the expectations of the families we serve. We will be known in our community for our commitment to excellence. We will be the market leader in the facilitation and creation of meaningful funeral experiences while providing the best overall value for the people of Lake County.

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